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- 300zx
- Replacing Your Car's Fuel Filter Easy and Secure Guide Tutorial Howto
This Page Contains information about Replacing Your Car's Fuel Filter Easy and Secure Guide Tutorial Howto By nissantech in category 300zx with 0 Replies. [4153], Last Updated: Sat May 18, 2024
Tue Oct 10, 2006
This guide will show you how to change a fuel filter on my car.
I have a 1996 Nissan 300zx.
Fuel Filter Replacement ToolsThese are the tools you will need to replace a fuel filter.
1. A phillips screw driver
2. A New Fuel Filter
3. Vynil Gloves (optional) - Using this gloves will help you protect your hands from the chemicals.

The first step to do is to locate where the fuel filter is located, i my car, its llocated in engine compartment near the master brake cylinder.

Now that you've located where the fuel filter is located, you need to release the fuel pressure. If you have a Fuel Injection System on you car, this is important, otherwise, when you start unscrewing the hoses on the fuel lines, you will have fuel spray all over you and your car, and this is dangerous. So to release the fuel pressure, you need to locate where the fuel pump relay is located in your car. In my 300zx, its located in the driver's kick panel near the fuse panel. Once you have found the relay, remove it and start the egine until it dies. Once it dies you know that the fuel pressure is gone and you can sefely remove the old filter and replace it with the new one.

Now with the fuel pressure, its safe to remove the old fuel filter and replace it with the new one. CAUTION! Be careful to install the new filter correctly. On the filter itself, it will have an arrow indidcation the directrion of the fuel flow. make sure that you install it properly.

I hope this has help to give you an idea of how to replace a fuel filter. I like working on cars and its my passion to share my knowledge to others. Please reply you comments. I welcome any comments you may have. I want to do more of these howto's but I would like to know if my efforts are worth while. Please tell me if this howto sucks or if you actually found it helpful. Thanks